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主要翻译英语中文 take [sth]⇒ vtr (grab)SCSimplified Chinese 抓, 抓住, 握, 夺取   SCSimplified Chinese 理解, 领会, 领悟  She took the money and ran to the store.  她抓起钱向商店跑去。  这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 你不要误解我的意思。 take [sth] to [sth/sb]⇒ vtr (transport, carry)SCSimplified Chinese 将...带去   SCSimplified Chinese 将...搬运到   SCSimplified Chinese 把...带到  He took the radio to his friend's house.  他把收音机带到了朋友家里。 take [sth]⇒ vtr (accept, receive)SCSimplified Chinese 接受 jiē shòu TCTraditional Chinese 接受   SCSimplified Chinese 接收 jiē shòu,jiē shōu TCTraditional Chinese 接收  I refuse to take your money.  我拒绝收你的钱。 take [sth] vtr (steal)SCSimplified Chinese 偷窃 tōu qiè   SCSimplified Chinese 偷走 tōu qiè,tōu zǒu  He didn't have the money to pay for the candy, so he just took it.  他没有钱,所以偷走了糖果。 take [sth] vtr (snatch)SCSimplified Chinese 夺走 duó zǒu   SCSimplified Chinese 抢走 duó zǒu,qiǎng zǒu  The robber took my purse and ran away.  劫匪抢走我的钱包跑了。 take [sth] from [sb] vtr + prep (snatch, confiscate)SCSimplified Chinese 从...处夺走  His friend took the TV from him.  朋友从他的住处夺走了电视机。 take [sth] vtr (serve yourself)SCSimplified Chinese 自用 zì yòng TCTraditional Chinese 自用   SCSimplified Chinese 自取 zì yòng,zì qǔ  Please, take a cake from the tray.  盘里有蛋糕,想吃随便拿。 take [sb/sth]⇒ vtr (convey, transport)SCSimplified Chinese 用车搭载 yòng chē dā zài TCTraditional Chinese 用車搭載   SCSimplified Chinese 运送 yòng chē dā zài,yùn sòng TCTraditional Chinese 運送   SCSimplified Chinese 运走 yòng chē dā zài,yùn zǒu  Will you take me to the bus station?  你能开车送我去公交车站吗? take [sth]⇒ vtr (go by: form of transport) (交通工具)SCSimplified Chinese 乘坐, 搭乘  We took a taxi home at the end of the night.  那天深夜我们搭乘出租车回家。 take [sth] vtr (require: time) (时间)SCSimplified Chinese 花费, 需要…时间  How long did it take? It took me all day to finish that job.  这件事要花多长时间?   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 take n (fish, game caught)SCSimplified Chinese 捕获量 bǔ huò liàng TCTraditional Chinese 捕獲量   SCSimplified Chinese 猎获量 bǔ huò liàng,liè huò liàng  Your take is limited to three fish per month.  你每月鱼的捕获量,限制为三条。 take n slang (money: earnings, takings) (俚语)SCSimplified Chinese 收入,收入额 shōu rù,shōu rù é TCTraditional Chinese 收入  The take for tonight's show was three thousand dollars.  你今晚表演的收入是3000美元。 take n (cinema: recording of a scene) (影视,电影电视等)SCSimplified Chinese 一个镜头的一次拍摄 yí gè jìng tóu de yí cì pāi shè  OK, everybody. This is going to be our fifth take. Let's get it right now. Action!  好,各位。我们要拍第五次了。立即开始。开拍! take n (sound recording)SCSimplified Chinese 录音 lù yīn TCTraditional Chinese 錄音   SCSimplified Chinese 试录 lù yīn ,shì lù  The second take had too much bass.  第二次试录有过多的低音。 your take on [sth] n (opinion, view)SCSimplified Chinese 观点 guān diǎn TCTraditional Chinese 觀點   SCSimplified Chinese 想法 guān diǎn,xiǎng fǎ TCTraditional Chinese 想法  What's your take on the issue?  你对于此事的观点是什么? a take on [sth], [sb]'s take on [sth] n mainly US (version, interpretation)SCSimplified Chinese 对…的讲述,对…的诠释   SCSimplified Chinese 某人对…的讲述,某人对…的诠释  This movie is the director's take on the classic love story.  这部影片是导演对经典爱情故事的诠释。 take⇒ vi (machine: function) (指机械)SCSimplified Chinese 运行,起作用,运转 yùn xíng ,qǐ zuò yòng,yùn zhuàn TCTraditional Chinese 運行,運轉  We had to oil it four times before the machine would take.  机器运转前,我们需要上四次机油。 take vi informal (adhere)SCSimplified Chinese 黏附 nián fù   SCSimplified Chinese 黏上 nián fù,nián shàng  I couldn't get the stamp to take no matter how many times I licked it. take vi informal (work as desired)SCSimplified Chinese 起到预期作用 qǐ dào yù qī zuò yòng   SCSimplified Chinese 发挥预期功效 qǐ dào yù qī zuò yòng,fā huī yù qī gōng xiào  The serum doesn't always take the first time, and a second inoculation may be needed. take vi (plant: take root, grow) (植物)SCSimplified Chinese 扎根,开始生长 zhā gēn,kāi shǐ shēng zhǎng TCTraditional Chinese 紮根  I do hope the lilac takes as I'd love a lilac hedge.  由于我很喜欢丁香绿篱,所以我真的希望那些丁香能扎根。 take vi figurative (be established, absorbed)SCSimplified Chinese 被理解 bèi lǐ jiě   SCSimplified Chinese 被掌握  I've tried to learn a few words of Japanese but they just don't seem to take.  我试着学习几个日语单词,但是那些词就是不能被我理解。 take [sth]⇒ vtr (get control)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制   SCSimplified Chinese 拥有 kòng zhì,yōng yǒu TCTraditional Chinese 擁有  The generals took power and exiled the President. take [sth] vtr (seize, capture)SCSimplified Chinese 占领 zhàn lǐng TCTraditional Chinese 佔領 / 占領   SCSimplified Chinese 夺取 zhàn lǐng,duó qǔ TCTraditional Chinese 奪取  The army took the town after forty-eight hours of fighting. take [sth] vtr (fish, game: catch)SCSimplified Chinese 捕获 bǔ huò TCTraditional Chinese 捕獲   SCSimplified Chinese 猎获 bǔ huò,liè huò  We took ten brace of pheasants at the shoot. take [sth] vtr (move)SCSimplified Chinese 移动 yí dòng TCTraditional Chinese 移動   SCSimplified Chinese 运送 yí dòng,yùn sòng TCTraditional Chinese 運送  The conveyor belt takes the part to the next station. take [sb]⇒ vtr (arrest)SCSimplified Chinese 逮捕 dài bǔ TCTraditional Chinese 逮捕   SCSimplified Chinese 拘捕 dài bǔ,jū bǔ  The police took the criminal without any problems. take [sth]⇒ vtr (form of payment: accept) (付款形式)SCSimplified Chinese 接受, 认可  Do you take credit cards?  你接受信用卡付款吗? take [sth] vtr informal (cost)SCSimplified Chinese 花费 huā fèi TCTraditional Chinese 花費   SCSimplified Chinese 花掉 huā fèi,huā diào  How much will it take to buy this car? take [sth] vtr (money: win, earn)SCSimplified Chinese 赢得 yíng dé TCTraditional Chinese 贏得   SCSimplified Chinese 获得 yíng dé,huò dé TCTraditional Chinese 獲得   SCSimplified Chinese 挣得 yíng dé,zhèng dé  He took thousands of dollars at the casino. take [sth] vtr (use, run on)SCSimplified Chinese 使用 shǐ yòng TCTraditional Chinese 使用   SCSimplified Chinese 利用 shǐ yòng,lì yòng   SCSimplified Chinese 配备有 shǐ yòng,pèi bèi yǒu  This camera takes long-life batteries. take [sth] vtr (sit down on)SCSimplified Chinese 在…上坐下 zài shàng zuò xià   SCSimplified Chinese 坐在 zài shàng zuò xià,zuò zài  Please come in and take a seat. take [sb]⇒ vtr (admit, accept)SCSimplified Chinese 招收 zhāo shōu TCTraditional Chinese 招收   SCSimplified Chinese 招入 zhāo shōu,zhāo rù  We only take the most intelligent students in this college. take [sth]⇒ vtr (enrol in, study) (课程)SCSimplified Chinese 选修 xuǎn xiū  I decided to take French next term. take [sth] vtr (wear: shoe size)SCSimplified Chinese 穿...码的鞋  I take a size six in boots, but a size five in shoes. take [sth] vtr (wear: clothing size)SCSimplified Chinese 穿...码的衣服  What size do you take? take [sth] vtr (ingest)SCSimplified Chinese 吃 chī TCTraditional Chinese 吃   SCSimplified Chinese 吞 chī,tūn TCTraditional Chinese 吞   SCSimplified Chinese 服用 chī,fú yòng TCTraditional Chinese 服用  He takes the medicine without complaining. take [sb]⇒ vtr informal, figurative (cheat, rob) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 欺骗, 哄骗   SCSimplified Chinese 抢劫 qiǎng jié TCTraditional Chinese 搶劫  He realized that he had been taken when the camera he bought had no working parts inside. take [sth]⇒ vtr informal (endure)SCSimplified Chinese 忍受 rěn shòu TCTraditional Chinese 忍受   SCSimplified Chinese 容忍 rěn shòu,róng rěn TCTraditional Chinese 容忍  I can't take it any more! Let me out of here! take [sth] vtr informal (require)SCSimplified Chinese 要求 yāo qiú TCTraditional Chinese 要求   SCSimplified Chinese 需要 yāo qiú,xū yào TCTraditional Chinese 需要  What will it take to convince you?  要怎样才能让你相信? take [sth] vtr (amount: accept as payment)SCSimplified Chinese 接受...作为报酬  Will you take three hundred pounds for the table? take [sth] from [sth]⇒ vtr (derive from)SCSimplified Chinese 某事源起于  This musical takes its inspiration from a Shakespeare play. take [sth]⇒ vtr (bath, shower: use)SCSimplified Chinese 洗澡 xǐ zǎo   SCSimplified Chinese 沐浴 xǐ zǎo,mù yù  I am so dirty. I really need to take a bath. take [sth] vtr (use for flavour)SCSimplified Chinese 加入 jiā rù TCTraditional Chinese 加入   SCSimplified Chinese 放入 jiā rù,fàng rù  I take two sugars in my coffee. take [sth] vtr (go on: vacation) (假期)SCSimplified Chinese 度 dù TCTraditional Chinese 度  We took a holiday in Argentina last year. take⇒ vtr (remove)SCSimplified Chinese 移走 yí zǒu   SCSimplified Chinese 拿开 yí zǒu,ná kāi  Have the binmen taken the rubbish yet? take [sth]⇒ vtr (kill, end: a life)SCSimplified Chinese 杀死 shā sǐ TCTraditional Chinese 殺死   SCSimplified Chinese 了结 shā sǐ,liǎo jié  The murderer has taken many lives. take [sth] vtr (game: capture) (游戏、比赛等)SCSimplified Chinese 赢得, 吃掉  He took one of his opponent's pawns in the chess game. take [sth] vtr (baseball: not swing) (棒球术语)SCSimplified Chinese 放过(投过来的球)不打 fàng guò tóu guò lái de qiú bù dǎ  The batter always takes the first pitch. take [sth] vtr (do, sit: a test, exam)SCSimplified Chinese 参加(考试)  I'm taking my chemistry exam on Wednesday.  我周三要参加化学考试。 take [sth] vtr (view in a certain way)SCSimplified Chinese 看待,看 kàn dài TCTraditional Chinese 看待,看   SCSimplified Chinese 对待 duì dài TCTraditional Chinese 對待  I don't know how to take what you just said. This is important work; we need to take it seriously.  我不知道你是如何看待自己刚刚的言辞的。  这是一份重要的工作,我们需要认真对待。 take [sth] vtr (image: capture)SCSimplified Chinese 拍摄 pāi shè TCTraditional Chinese 拍攝   SCSimplified Chinese 给...照相  The photographer took several shots of the bride and groom. I always take loads of photos when I'm on holiday. take [sth] vtr (interpret)SCSimplified Chinese 理解,诠释 lǐ jiě ,quán shì TCTraditional Chinese 理解 备注: followed by an adverb or adverbial phrase Don't take it like that! That's not what I meant.  别那样理解它!我不是那个意思。 take [sth] from [sb] vtr + prep (confiscate)SCSimplified Chinese 把…充公 bǎ chōng gōng   SCSimplified Chinese 没收 bǎ chōng gōng,mò shōu TCTraditional Chinese 沒收  The teacher took the magazine from the student. take [sth] from [sth] vtr + prep (extract, quote)SCSimplified Chinese 摘录 zhāi lù   SCSimplified Chinese 节录 zhāi lù,jié lù   SCSimplified Chinese 引述 zhāi lù,yǐn shù  This line of poetry is taken from Dante's Inferno.  这行诗摘自但丁的《地狱》。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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复合形式:英语中文 be in the driver's seat, take the driver's seat, have the driver's seat, be in the driving seat v expr figurative (have control)SCSimplified Chinese 掌控 zhǎng kòng   SCSimplified Chinese 处于控制地位  If he thinks he can lead the team better, let him have the driver's seat. bear the brunt of [sth], take the brunt of [sth] v expr (take the worst of [sth]'s impact)SCSimplified Chinese 承受…的打击 catch a cold, catch cold, take a cold v expr (contract cold virus)SCSimplified Chinese 感冒 gǎn mào  If you go out in this rain without a coat you're liable to catch a cold. catch fire, catch on fire, also UK: catch light, catch alight, also US: take fire v expr (ignite)SCSimplified Chinese 着火 zháo huǒ TCTraditional Chinese 著火 / 着火  Gasoline can catch fire very easily. If you knock that candle onto the rug, it will catch on fire. catch [sb] unawares, take [sb] unawares v expr (catch off-guard)SCSimplified Chinese 让某人出其不意  The question caught the minister unawares; she didn't have an answer prepared. deal with the consequences, take the consequences v expr (accept) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 接受(自己的行为带来的)后果 jiē shòu zì jǐ de xíng wéi dài lái de hòu guǒ  Let's just do it now and deal with the consequences later. deal with the consequences, take the consequences v expr (suffer)SCSimplified Chinese 承受后果  The president did it but it was his successor who had to deal with the consequences.  那件事是总统所为,但承受后果的是他的继任者。 do a double take, also UK: do a double-take v expr (look surprised)SCSimplified Chinese 再看一眼 zài kàn yì yǎn   SCSimplified Chinese 再次细看  I did a double take when I saw Richard; he looks completely different without a beard! double take, also UK: double-take n (surprised response)SCSimplified Chinese 恍然大悟   SCSimplified Chinese 惊讶 jīng yà TCTraditional Chinese 驚訝  Dan thought no one noticed his double take when the eccentrically dressed man passed him in the street, but I did.  看到与自己擦肩而过的那个穿着古怪的人,丹非常惊讶,他以为没人注意到自己的反映,不过我注意到了。 take your first steps v expr (baby: starting to walk)SCSimplified Chinese 开始走路  The baby took its first steps today. take the first step v expr figurative (initial action towards goal)SCSimplified Chinese 踏上征程   SCSimplified Chinese 迈出第一步  James took the first step to becoming a doctor by beginning a medical degree. get a battering, receive a battering, take a battering, be given a battering v expr (be beaten, damaged)SCSimplified Chinese 遭到破坏   SCSimplified Chinese 被揍  Our garden shed took a battering in the hurricane. get a battering, receive a battering, take a battering, be given a battering v expr figurative (suffer)SCSimplified Chinese 遭受批评  The film got a battering from critics. get a thrashing, take a thrashing v expr informal (be beaten physically)SCSimplified Chinese 遭到报应 zāo dào bào yìng TCTraditional Chinese 遭到報應   SCSimplified Chinese 收到惩罚 zāo dào bào yìng ,shōu dào chéng fá  Petros regularly took a thrashing from his violent father. get a thrashing, take a thrashing, be given a thrashing v expr figurative, informal (be defeated: at sport, etc.)SCSimplified Chinese 惨败 cǎn bài  The Democrats took a thrashing on Election Day. get takeout, get takeout food (US), get a take-away, get a takeout, get a take-out (UK) v expr informal (order food to go)SCSimplified Chinese 买外卖 give and take, give-and-take n informal (compromise) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 互相让步妥协,互相让步 hù xiāng ràng bù tuǒ xié,hù xiāng ràng bù  Marriage is all about give and take between the partners. give and take, give-and-take n informal (conversation)SCSimplified Chinese 讨论 tǎo lùn TCTraditional Chinese 討論   SCSimplified Chinese 谈话 tǎo lùn ,tán huà TCTraditional Chinese 談話 give or take [sth] expr informal (plus or minus)SCSimplified Chinese 多或少…  I've been away from home for three months, give or take a few days. give or take expr informal (more or less)SCSimplified Chinese 或多或少 TCTraditional Chinese 或多或少   SCSimplified Chinese 大约 dà yuē TCTraditional Chinese 大約   SCSimplified Chinese 差不多 chà bù duō TCTraditional Chinese 差不多  My new car cost $9000, give or take. have a bash, take a bash v expr informal (try, make an attempt)SCSimplified Chinese 尝试 cháng shì TCTraditional Chinese 嘗試 have a bash at [sth], take a bash at [sth] v expr informal (try, attempt to do [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 尝试做某事 cháng shì zuò mǒu shì  I'm not sure if I can put the shelf up, but I'll have a bash at it. have a gander, take a gander v expr slang (look)SCSimplified Chinese 一瞥 yì piē   SCSimplified Chinese 瞧一眼  They're filming a big Hollywood movie in the town centre today. Let's go and have a gander. have a gander at [sth], take a gander at [sth] v expr slang (look at [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 看一眼..., 瞧一瞧... hot take n informal (journalism: superficial editorial)SCSimplified Chinese 为吸引注意的报道 hot take n informal (internet: controversial opinion)SCSimplified Chinese 争议性的评论 take [sth] lying down adj informal, figurative (not resisting or fighting back) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 不作抵抗, 不作反击   (俚语, 比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 躺平接受  The worker refused to take his dismissal lying down, vowing to take his employer to court. not take kindly to [sth] v expr (not welcome)SCSimplified Chinese 不乐意接受 bú lè yì jiē shòu   SCSimplified Chinese 不宽容对待 bú lè yì jiē shòu,bù kuān róng duì dài  I do not take kindly to people who don't know me calling me 'honey'. be on the take v expr informal (take bribes) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 受贿 shòu huì on your mark, on your marks, take your mark, take your marks interj (sport: take up starting position) (体育比赛)SCSimplified Chinese 各就各位 gè jiù gè wèi  On your marks; get set; go! outtake, out-take n often plural (TV, cinema: deleted scene) (电影、电视剧)SCSimplified Chinese 未播出的片段,删节部分 wèi bō chū de piàn duàn,shān jié bù fèn  At the end of the movie they showed several outtakes during the credits. take a back seat v expr figurative (be less prominent)SCSimplified Chinese 退居二线,退到次要位置,让位 ràng wèi  Ron took a back seat and let his son run the family business. take a bashing, get a bashing, take a bashing, suffer a bashing v expr informal (be beaten physically)SCSimplified Chinese 被痛打一顿   SCSimplified Chinese 被痛殴 take a bashing, get a bashing, suffer a bashing v expr figurative, informal (be defeated)SCSimplified Chinese 惨败 cǎn bài   SCSimplified Chinese 遭到重大失败  The team took a bashing in today's match, losing 6-0. take a bashing, get a bashing, receive a bashing, be given a bashing v expr figurative, informal (be attacked verbally, in writing) (书面或口头上)SCSimplified Chinese 受到严厉批评   SCSimplified Chinese 遭到抨击  The movie took a bashing from the critics.  这部电影遭到了批评家们的抨击。 take a bath, also UK: have a bath v expr mainly US (bathe)SCSimplified Chinese 洗澡 xǐ zǎo  I prefer to take a shower, while others like to take a leisurely bath. take a beating, suffer a beating v expr informal (be defeated)SCSimplified Chinese 被打败,被击败 take a bow v expr (bow for applause)SCSimplified Chinese 谢幕 xiè mù   SCSimplified Chinese 鞠躬答谢 xiè mù,jū gōng dá xiè  At the end of a play it's customary for the actors to take a bow at the front of the stage. take a break v expr (have a rest)SCSimplified Chinese 休息一会儿 xiū xī yī huì er  Take a break - we'll finish painting the door frames later.  休息一会儿,我们之后再给门框上漆。 take a breath v expr (inhale)SCSimplified Chinese 吸一口气   SCSimplified Chinese 喘口气  I always take a deep breath before I begin. take a breather, have a breather v expr informal (take a break)SCSimplified Chinese 稍事休息   SCSimplified Chinese 短暂休息 TCTraditional Chinese 短暫休息 take a call v expr (accept a telephone call)SCSimplified Chinese 接电话 jiē diàn huà TCTraditional Chinese 接電話  I'm sorry to interrupt but I need to step outside to take a call. I may need to take a call during the meeting. take a census of [sth], conduct a census of v expr (conduct a survey)SCSimplified Chinese 做关于…的民意调查 zuò guān yú de mín yì diào chá  Rupert took a census of opinion but found no support for his suggestion. take a chance v expr (act on a possibility)SCSimplified Chinese 尝试 cháng shì TCTraditional Chinese 嘗試  Yes, it's possible I won't win, but I'll take a chance.  是的,我或许会失败,不过我还是会尝试一下。 take a chance v expr (gamble, risk [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 冒险 mào xiǎn TCTraditional Chinese 冒險   SCSimplified Chinese 碰运气 mào xiǎn,pèng yùn qì TCTraditional Chinese 碰運氣  She took a chance on him, promoting him despite his lack of experience.  尽管他缺乏经验,她还是冒险提拔了他。 take a close look, take a careful look v expr (examine, inspect [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 仔细检查 zǐ xì jiǎn chá TCTraditional Chinese 仔細檢查   SCSimplified Chinese 仔细查看 zǐ xì jiǎn chá ,zǐ xì chá kàn  If you take a close look, you'll see that this banknote has no watermark - it's a forgery. take a close look at [sth/sb], take a careful look at [sth/sb] v expr (examine, inspect [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 仔细检查 zǐ xì jiǎn chá TCTraditional Chinese 仔細檢查   SCSimplified Chinese 仔细查看 zǐ xì jiǎn chá ,zǐ xì chá kàn  Before buying a used car, I take a careful look at the engine. take a course, take a course in [sth] v expr (attend classes, study)SCSimplified Chinese 修一门课 xiū yì mén kè TCTraditional Chinese 修一門課  I once took a course in physics - I couldn't understand a word of it! take a crack at [sth] v expr informal (attempt [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 尝试 cháng shì TCTraditional Chinese 嘗試  I can't finish this crossword puzzle - do you want to take a crack at it? take a crack at [sb] v expr slang (criticize [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 尝试 cháng shì TCTraditional Chinese 嘗試  It's easy to take a crack at his new girlfriend- she's ugly, stupid, and unemployed. take a dig at [sb] v expr informal (criticize or attack verbally)SCSimplified Chinese 批评,指责 pī píng,zhǐ zé TCTraditional Chinese 指責   SCSimplified Chinese 口头攻击 kǒu tóu gōng jī TCTraditional Chinese 口頭攻擊  Sally's been taking digs at her colleagues, and they're not pleased about it. take a dim view of [sth] v expr figurative (disapprove)SCSimplified Chinese 对…不乐观   SCSimplified Chinese 对…不以为然  Her parents took a dim view of her choice of boyfriends. take a dive v expr informal (prices, etc.: fall) (价格等)SCSimplified Chinese 暴跌,突降 bào diē ,tū jiàng take a dive v expr (sports: pretend to fall) (体育)SCSimplified Chinese 假摔 take a drag v expr slang (inhale on a cigarette)SCSimplified Chinese 吸一口烟 take a dump, have a dump v expr vulgar, slang (defecate) (粗话)SCSimplified Chinese 大便,拉屎 dà biàn ,lā shǐ take a hard line, take the hard line v expr (be staunch, uncompromising)SCSimplified Chinese 走强硬路线   SCSimplified Chinese 决不妥协 take a hard line on [sth], take the hard line on [sth] v expr (be staunch about [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 在…方面走强硬路线   SCSimplified Chinese 在...问题上不妥协 Take a hike! interj figurative, slang (Go away!)SCSimplified Chinese 走开! zǒu kāi TCTraditional Chinese 走開!   SCSimplified Chinese 滚开! take a holiday v expr UK (go away on vacation)SCSimplified Chinese 度假 dù jià  After five long months of work I was ready to take a holiday. take a job v expr (accept employment)SCSimplified Chinese 接受一份工作 jiē shòu yí fèn gōng zuò  She needed money so badly that she took a job as a waitress in a seedy bar. take a joke v expr informal (have a sense of humour)SCSimplified Chinese 开得起玩笑 take a journey v expr (make a trip)SCSimplified Chinese 旅行 lǚ xíng TCTraditional Chinese 旅行  Later this month I plan to take a journey to see my father. take a kicking, suffer a kicking v expr figurative, informal (be defeated)SCSimplified Chinese 失败 shī bài   SCSimplified Chinese 失利 shī bài,shī lì  The prime minister's party took a kicking in the local elections. take a kicking, suffer a kicking v expr figurative, informal (be heavily criticized)SCSimplified Chinese 被严厉指责   SCSimplified Chinese 被强烈批评  He's taken a real kicking in the tabloids for his extra-marital affairs. take a leaf out of [sb]'s book v expr figurative (follow [sb]'s example)SCSimplified Chinese 效仿 xiào fǎng   SCSimplified Chinese 学...的样子 take a leak v expr informal (urinate)SCSimplified Chinese 撒尿,解手,小便 sā niào ,jiě shǒu,xiǎo biàn take a long time v expr (require much time to do)SCSimplified Chinese 需要很长时间   SCSimplified Chinese 要很久  Recovery from a head injury can take a long time. take a long time to do [sth] v expr (require much time)SCSimplified Chinese 做某事需要很长时间   SCSimplified Chinese 做某事要很久  It took a long time to tidy the apartment. take [sb] a long time v expr (require much time for [sb] to do)SCSimplified Chinese 需要某人花费很长时间   SCSimplified Chinese 需要某人花很久  I put the wardrobe together from a kit; it took me a long time! take [sb] a long time to do [sth] v expr (require much time of [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 做某事需要某人花费很长时间   SCSimplified Chinese 做某事需要某人花很久  It has taken Graeme a long time to get over his divorce. take a look v expr informal (look casually at [sth/sb]) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 看一下,看一看 kàn yí xià,kàn yī kàn  There's a sale on at this gallery; shall we take a look?  这家画廊正打折,我们要不要去看看? take a look at [sth/sb] v expr informal (look casually at [sth/sb])SCSimplified Chinese 看一看 kàn yī kàn  Zoe took a look at the clock and was surprised to see that it was already 5 p.m.  佐伊看了看时钟,意外地发现已经下午5点了。 take a look v expr informal (inspect, investigate [sth/sb]) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 调查 diào chá TCTraditional Chinese 調查  I don't know much about engines but I'll take a look.  我对发动机不太了解,但我会检查一下。 take a look at [sth/sb] v expr informal (inspect, investigate [sth/sb])SCSimplified Chinese 调查 diào chá TCTraditional Chinese 調查  You should get a doctor to take a look at that rash.  你应该找一个医生看看皮疹。 take a nap v expr (have a short sleep)SCSimplified Chinese 小睡片刻 xiǎo shuì piàn kè   SCSimplified Chinese 睡午觉  My father usually takes a nap in the afternoon. I often take a nap after lunch.  我爸爸常在下午小睡片刻。  午餐过后,我经常会睡个午觉。 take a pee, have a pee v expr informal (urinate)SCSimplified Chinese 小便 xiǎo biàn take a peek v expr informal (look briefly, furtively)SCSimplified Chinese 偷看 tōu kàn   SCSimplified Chinese 扫视 tōu kàn ,sǎo shì  Julia knew the food was ready on the table in the dining room, and couldn't resist taking a peek. take a peek at [sth] v expr informal (look briefly, furtively)SCSimplified Chinese 偷看一眼   SCSimplified Chinese 瞄一眼  I want so badly to take a peek at my presents, but I'll wait till Christmas. take a peep at [sth/sb] v expr (quickly look at)SCSimplified Chinese 瞥一眼 piē yì yǎn   SCSimplified Chinese 看一眼 piē yì yǎn,kàn yì yǎn take a pew interj UK, informal, figurative, humorous (have a seat) (幽默)SCSimplified Chinese 就坐   SCSimplified Chinese 坐下 zuò xià take a photograph v expr (capture [sb] or [sth] on camera)SCSimplified Chinese 拍张照片 pāi zhāng zhào piàn TCTraditional Chinese 拍張照片 take a picture v expr (capture [sb] or [sth] on camera)SCSimplified Chinese 拍张照片 pāi zhāng zhào piàn TCTraditional Chinese 拍張照片  You look lovely in that dress – wait there, I'll take a picture.  你穿那条裙子真好看,你等一下,我要拍张照片。 take a piss, have a piss v expr vulgar, slang (urinate)SCSimplified Chinese 小便 xiǎo biàn   SCSimplified Chinese 撒尿 xiǎo biàn,sā niào take a rain check v expr figurative, informal (postpone [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 改天再做   SCSimplified Chinese 改日再去  I can't meet you tonight; can I take a rain check for next week?  今晚我不能与你见面,能改天再见吗? take a reading v expr (measurement: observe, record)SCSimplified Chinese 读表,读数 TCTraditional Chinese 讀數  The electric company meter reader takes a reading at our house every month. take a rest v expr (have a break)SCSimplified Chinese 休息一会儿 xiū xī yī huì er  You can't just stop and take a rest when you're running a marathon! take a seat v expr (sit down)SCSimplified Chinese 坐下 zuò xià  Louise took a seat in the doctor's waiting room. take a second look v expr informal (re-examine)SCSimplified Chinese 再看一眼 zài kàn yì yǎn   SCSimplified Chinese 重新审视 zài kàn yì yǎn,chóng xīn shěn shì  Let's take a second look: we may have missed some important clues. take a shine to [sb] v expr informal (take a liking to [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 迷恋某人 mí liàn mǒu rén TCTraditional Chinese 迷戀某人   SCSimplified Chinese 对某人着迷 mí liàn mǒu rén,duì mǒu rén zháo mí  She took a shine to him from the first time they met. take a shot at [sth], have a shot at [sth] v expr informal, figurative (attempt [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 尝试 cháng shì TCTraditional Chinese 嘗試  I'd like to learn to play golf, so one day I think I'll take a shot at it.  我想学打高尔夫球,总有一天我会去尝试的。 take a shot at [sth/sb] v expr (fire at, try to hit [sth/sb])SCSimplified Chinese 向...射击   SCSimplified Chinese 朝...开枪  When you see the target appear, aim your gun and take a shot at it. I took a shot at the deer, but I missed.  看到目标出现时,端起枪瞄准,然后向目标射击。我朝那只鹿开了一枪,但没打中。 take a shower v expr (wash under a water spray)SCSimplified Chinese 淋浴,冲澡 lín yù,chōng zǎo  I'm sweating like a horse – I'd better go and take a shower.  我现在汗流浃背,最好去冲个澡。 take a spin v expr (go for a ride)SCSimplified Chinese 去兜风 take a stab, have a stab v expr informal, figurative (attempt, try [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 尝试 cháng shì TCTraditional Chinese 嘗試   SCSimplified Chinese 试图 cháng shì,shì tú TCTraditional Chinese 試圖 take a stab at [sth], have a stab at [sth] v expr informal, figurative (attempt, try [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 尝试..., 试图... take a stab at doing [sth], have a stab at doing [sth] v expr informal, figurative (attempt [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 尝试做... take a stand, make a stand v expr (state your opinion clearly)SCSimplified Chinese 采取立场 cǎi qǔ lì chǎng TCTraditional Chinese 採取立場  You have the choice of taking a stand or not having your views heard. take a stand against [sth/sb], make a stand against [sth/sb] v expr (maintain opinion against opposition)SCSimplified Chinese 坚定反对...的立场  Are you going to take a stand against the government's crackdown on the press?  你是否打算坚定立场,反对政府对媒体的压迫? take a swing at [sb] v expr (try to hit [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 挥拳出击 下100个 有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: take [teɪk] pt (pp took)takenI vt 1 [+ holiday, vacation] 度 dù [+ shower, bath] 洗 xǐ [+ decision] 做 zuò 2 (=take hold of) [+ sb's arm] 拿 ná Let me take your coat.让(讓)我来(來)拿你的外套吧。 Ràng wǒ lái ná nǐ de wàitào ba. 3 (=steal) 偷走 tōuzǒu Someone's taken my pen.有人偷走了我的钢(鋼)笔(筆)。 Yǒu rén tōuzǒule wǒ de gāngbǐ. 4 (=require) [+ effort, courage etc] 需要 xūyào It took a lot of courage to admit his mistake.他需要很大勇气(氣)去承认(認)错(錯)误(誤)。 Tā xūyào hěn dà yǒngqì qù chéngrèn cuòwù. 5 (=tolerate) [+ pain, criticism etc] 忍受 rěnshòu I can't take any more.我不能再忍受了。 Wǒ bùnéng zài rěnshòu le. 6 (=hold) [+ passengers, spectators etc] 容纳(納) róngnà The new stadium can take about 8000 people.新的体(體)育场(場)大约(約)可以容纳(納)8000人。 Xīn de tǐyùchǎng dàyuē kěyǐ róngnà bāqiān rén. 7 (=accompany) [+ person] 送 sòng He offered to take her home in a taxi.他提出乘出租车(車)送她回家。 Tā tíchū chéng chūzūchē sòng tā huíjiā. 8 [+ prisoner] 俘获(獲) fúhuò Marines went in, taking 15 prisoners.海军(軍)陆(陸)战(戰)队(隊)员(員)进(進)去了,俘获(獲)了15名犯人。 Hǎijūn lùzhàn duìyuán jìnqù le,fúhuòle shíwǔ míng fànrén. 9 (=accept) [+ job, position] 接受 jiēshòu I eagerly took the job.我兴(興)冲(沖)冲(沖)地接受了这(這)份工作。 Wǒ xìngchōngchōng de jiēshòu le zhè fèn gōngzuò. 10 (=carry, bring) [+ object] 携(攜)带(帶) xiédài 11 (=travel along) [+ road] 走 zǒu Take the Chester Road out of town.走切斯特路出城。 zǒu Qièsītè Lù chūchéng. 12 [+ bus, train] 乘坐 chéngzuò She took the train to New York.她乘火车(車)去纽(紐)约(約)。 Tā chéng huǒchē qù Niǔyuē. 13 [+ size] 穿 chuān What size do you take?你穿多大号(號)? Nǐ chuān duō dà hào? 14 [+ time] 花费(費) huāfèi The sauce takes 25 minutes to prepare.做调(調)味汁要花25分钟(鐘)。 Zuò tiáowèizhī yào huā èrshíwǔ fēnzhōng. 15 (=react to) 看待 kàndài How did he take the news?他怎样(樣)看待这(這)个(個)消息? Tā zěnyàng kàndài zhège xiāoxi? No one took my message seriously.没(沒)有人认(認)真看待我的讯(訊)息。 Méiyǒu rén rènzhēn kàndài wǒ de xùnxī. 16 [+ exam, test] 参(參)加 cānjiā 17 [+ drug, pill] 服用 fúyòng I took a couple of aspirins.我服下几(幾)片阿司匹林。 Wǒ fúxià jǐ piàn āsīpǐlín. 18 (esp Brit) (=teach) [+ subject, class] 教 jiāo She took them for geography.她教他们(們)地理。 Tā jiāo tāmen dìlǐ. 19 (=study) [+ subject, course] 修 xiū I'm taking history at university.我在大学(學)修历(歷)史。 Wǒ zài dàxué xiū lìshǐ. II vi (=have effect) [dye, injection, drug] 见(見)效 jiànxiào You need a few minutes for cortisone to take.你得等几(幾)分钟(鐘)让(讓)可的松见(見)效。 Nǐ děi děng jǐ fēnzhōng ràng kědísōng jiànxiào. III n [c] 1 (Cine) 镜(鏡)头(頭) jìngtóu She had to do several takes to get it right.她拍了好几(幾)个(個)镜(鏡)头(頭)才得到满(滿)意的效果。 Tā pāile hǎo jǐ gè jìngtóu cái dédào mǎnyì de xiàoguǒ. 2 (inf: viewpoint) 看法 kànfǎ What's your take on this?你对(對)这(這)件事的看法是什么(麼)? Nǐ duì zhè jiàn shì de kànfǎ shì shénme? don't forget to take your umbrella 别(別)忘了带(帶)雨伞(傘) bié wàngle dài yǔsǎn she's not yet taken her driving test 她还(還)没(沒)考驾(駕)照 tā hái méi kǎo jiàzhào. to take sth from [+ drawer, box etc]把某物从(從)…拿出来(來) bǎ mǒuwù cóng…ná chūlái I take it that…我的理解是… wǒ de lǐjiě shì… take it or leave it接不接受随(隨)便 jiē bù jiēshòu suíbiàn to take sb for… (=mistake) 把某人误(誤)认(認)为(為)… bǎ mǒurén wùrènwéi… I took him for a doctor.我把他误(誤)认(認)为(為)医(醫)生了。 Wǒ bǎ tā wùrènwéi yīshēng le. to take sb's hand, take sb by the hand/arm拉某人的手,牵(牽)某人的手/挽某人的胳膊 lā mǒurén de shǒu,qiān mǒurén de shǒu/wǎn mǒurén de gēbo to take sb for a walk带(帶)某人去散步 dài mǒurén qù sànbù to take it on or upon o.s. to do sth将(將)做某事的责(責)任揽(攬)到自己身上 jiāng zuò mǒushì de zérèn lǎndào zìjǐ shēnshang to take to doing sth开(開)始有规(規)律地做某事 kāishǐ yǒu guīlǜ de zuò mǒushì take after vt fus 不可拆分 (=resemble) 像 xiàng He takes after his dad.他像他的爸爸。 Tā xiàng tā de bàba. take apart vt (=dismantle) [+ bicycle, radio, machine] 拆开(開) chāikāi take awayI vt 1 (=remove) 拿走 názǒu 2 (=carry off) 带(帶)走 dàizǒu 3 (Math) 减(減)去 jiǎnqù What's 35 take away 10?35减(減)去10等于(於)多少? Sānshíwǔ jiǎnqù shí děngyú duōshao? II vi ▶ to take away from (=detract from) 减(減)损(損) jiǎnsǔn take back vt 1 (=return) [+ goods] 退回 tuìhuí 2 (=retract) [+ one's words] 收回 shōuhuí take down vt 1 (=write down) 记(記)录(錄) jìlù 2 (=dismantle) [+ wall, fence etc] 拆除 chāichú take in vt 1 (=deceive) [+ person] 蒙(矇)骗(騙) mēngpiàn I wasn't going to be taken in by his charm.我不会(會)被他的魅力所蒙(矇)骗(騙)。 Wǒ bùhuì bèi tā de mèilì suǒ mēngpiàn. 2 (=understand) 明白 míngbai Robert took it all in without needing explanations.罗(羅)伯特没(沒)用任何解释(釋)就全明白了。 Luóbótè méi yòng rènhé jiěshì jiù quán míngbai le. 3 (=include) 容纳(納) róngnà The university has expanded to take in the school of art.为(為)了容纳(納)艺(藝)术(術)学(學)院,大学(學)进(進)行了扩(擴)张(張)。 Wèile róngnà yìshù xuéyuàn,dàxué jìnxíngle kuòzhāng. 4 [+ lodger] 留宿 liúsù 5 [+ orphan, refugee, stray dog] 收容 shōuróng 6 [+ dress, waistband] 改窄 gǎizhǎi take offI vi 1 [aircraft] 起飞(飛) qǐfēi 2 (also: take o.s off) (=go away) 动(動)身 dòngshēn They took off for a weekend in the country.他们(們)动(動)身去乡(鄉)下度周(週)末。 Tāmen dòngshēn qù xiāngxia dù zhōumò. II vt 1 [+ time from work] 休假 xiūjià She took two days off work.她休了两(兩)天假。 Tā xiūle liǎng tiān jià. 2 [+ clothes, glasses, make-up] 脱(脫)下 tuōxià 3 (esp Brit) (=imitate) [+ person] 模仿 mófǎng take on vt 1 (=undertake) [+ work, responsibility] 承担(擔) chéngdān Don't take on any more responsibilities.不要再承担(擔)更多的责(責)任了。 Bùyào zài chéngdān gèng duō de zérèn le. 2 [+ employee] 雇用 gùyòng The company has taken on more staff.公司雇(僱)用了更多员(員)工。 Gōngsī gùyòngle gèng duō yuángōng. 3 (=compete against) 与(與)较(較)量 yǔ…jiàoliàng I knew I couldn't take him on.我知道自己没(沒)法跟他较(較)量。 Wǒ zhīdào zìjǐ méi fǎ gēn tā jiàoliàng. 4 (=develop) 越来(來)越显(顯)示出 yuèláiyuè xiǎnshìchū His writing took on a greater intensity.他的写(寫)作越来(來)越显(顯)示出深度。 Tā de xiězuò yuèláiyuè xiǎnshìchū shēndù. take out vt 1 (=invite) [+ person] 邀请(請) yāoqǐng He took her out for a meal.他邀请(請)她出去吃饭(飯)。 Tā yāoqǐng tā chūqù chīfàn. 2 (=remove) [+ tooth] 拔除 báchú 3 [+ loan, mortgage, licence etc] 取得 qǔdé take out on vt ▶ to take one's anger/feelings out on sb 向某人发(發)泄(洩)怒气(氣)/情感 xiàng mǒurén fāxiè nùqì/qínggǎn take overI vt 1 [+ business, country] 接管 jiēguǎn 2 [+ job] 接手 jiēshǒu His widow has taken over the running of the company.他的遗(遺)孀接手经(經)营(營)这(這)家公司。 Tā de yíshuāng jiēshǒu jīngyíng zhè jiā gōngsī. II vi ▶ to take over from sb 从(從)某人手中接管 cóng mǒurén shǒu zhōng jiēguǎn take to vt fus 不可拆分 1 (=like) 喜欢(歡)上 xǐhuan shang I immediately took to Alan.我立刻喜欢(歡)上了艾伦(倫)。 Wǒ lìkè xǐhuan shang le Àilún. 2 (=begin) 开(開)始常做 kāishǐ chángzuò He's recently taken to fishing.他最近开(開)始常去钓(釣)鱼(魚)。 Tā zuìjìn kāishǐ cháng qù diàoyú. take upI vt 1 (=start) [+ hobby, sport] 开(開)始 kāishǐ 2 [+ job] 从(從)事 cóngshì 3 (=occupy) [+ time, space] 占(佔)用 zhànyòng I won't take up any more of your time.我不会(會)再占(佔)用你更多的时(時)间(間)。 Wǒ bùhuì zài zhànyòng nǐ gèng duō de shíjiān. 4 (=deal with) 着(著)手处(處)理 zhuóshǒu chǔlǐ He intends to take up the proposal with the prime minister.他打算与(與)首相着(著)手处(處)理该(該)提议(議)。 Tā dǎsuàn yǔ shǒuxiàng zhuóshǒu chǔlǐ gāi tíyì. 5 (=continue) [+ task, story] 继(繼)续(續) jìxù David was taking up where he had left off.戴维(維)接着(著)上次中断(斷)的地方继(繼)续(續)。 Dàiwéi jiēzhe shàngcì zhōngduàn de dìfang jìxù. 6 (=shorten) [+ hem, garment] 改短 gǎiduǎn II vi (=befriend) ▶ to take up with sb 开(開)始和某人鬼混 kāishǐ hé mǒurén guǐhùn to take sb up on an offer 接受某人提出的建议(議) jiēshòu mǒurén tíchū de jiànyì 在这些条目还发现'take': 在英文解释里: absorb - absorb the shock - abuse - accede - accept the responsibility - act - address - airport - alternate - arraign - arrest - assume - assume command - attend classes - attend to - avenge - based - bask - bath - bear in mind - bear the brunt - Beggars can't be choosers. - bellyful - betake - Better safe than sorry. - blanket - bone - borrow - breathe - bring - bring along - bring before - bring over - bring to justice - build a fire under - bust out - buy out - call the roll - capture - care - carry around - carry out - carry the can - catch - catch off guard - catch your breath - celebrate Mass - challenge - chance it - cheat 中文: 服 - 服用 - 带 - 三思而行 - 上任 - 上钩 - 不理 - 不计 - 严防 - 中意 - 乐 - 乘坐 - 乘胜 - 休息 - 保养 - 保管 - 做主 - 兼顾 - 冲澡 - 出任 - 出使 - 出奇制胜 - 出马 - 利用 - 占 - 参与 - 参加 - 取下 - 取出 - 取而代之 - 吃亏 - 吸取 - 吸纳 - 因地制宜 - 坐 - 夺 - 娶 - 实事求是 - 小心 - 带头 - 带走 - 应考 - 当真 - 怜 - 成型 - 扎根 - 扬言 - 拍 - 拍照 - 拿 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Opposite verbs, The theater/acting, 更多……同义词: part, share, cut, proceeds, profit, 更多……习惯性搭配: take the [money, bribe, offer, proposal], took [two, three, ten] takes (to), take a [shower, bath, phone call], 更多……

标题中含有单词 'take' 的论坛讨论:

Cantonese: Let's take a break! Did you take the garbage and recycling bins out (to the curb)? Do you take credit cards here? Do you take reservations? Don't take it personally Fixing this issue will take 2~3 days He will take his hat off the table How long does it take to go from ... to ... by train? How long does it take you to go from (city1) to (city2)? How long does it take you to hear tones? How much sugar do you take in your tea? I have to take a test I sometimes take a day off I'll take you any way I can get you It will take me five days to get it Love her a lot ! Pray her a lot ! She will take care of you May I take a message? "Please take off your shoes!" retirar lo dicho/take back what I said Some people prefer watching movies to TV series, since they (TV series) take so long to watch. Sorry, I have to take this call. I'll be right back. take a bath take a picture take a video Take advantage of take advantage of time take back land; regain control of take dog for a walk take it one step at a time take out clothes to hang them up 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'take'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "take" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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